Thursday, April 18, 2019

Memories of Notre Dame

I was truly shocked and saddened to watch Notre Dame burn. Those who follow me know that I spend several weeks a year in Paris having fallen in love with the city after working there for about 1 year. In one trip there I stayed on Isle St Louis and my daily walk to and from the train station took me past Notre Dame. I would marvel that my daily commute took me past such history.

 In another trip, my sons family stayed with us for a couple of weeks. On the first night they spent in Paris we walked back along the Seine after dinner. My oldest grandson (then 17) was looking at stuff within the near field when I told him to look up and to the right. He looked up and saw the front of Notre Dame shining in spotlights and his jaw fell open in awe. He says that that was his "I'm really in Paris" moment.

On our last trip to Paris we again stayed on the island and the view out of our front window was the back of Notre Dame and its spire.

France rebuilt the cathedral at Reims after WW 1 and I am sure they will rebuild "Our Lady".

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that the Yellow Vests are apparently having a hissy fit over the money donated for rebuilding Notre Dame, they think the money should go to them!
