Saturday, March 23, 2019

Yellow Vests- Week 19

President Macron has essentially declared martial law and deployed the army to protect the streets of major French cities. While it is common to see soldiers at tourist and transportation sites, they have been deployed to protect government building under the French anti terrorism statutes.

If you look at the traffic function on Google maps, you will see that major streets are closed for their entire length. Basically, draw an "X" through Paris and it is closed. The entire length of the Champs is closed. The streets that circle the Tuilleries are closed as well as the river side expressway on the right bank. The N/S street that passes the Catacombs, goes by Luxumborg and the St Michael Fountain, crosses Isle de la Cite and on up to Gare du Nord and the 10th Arr. is closed.

This is not going to end well.


  1. Sounds like Macron is ramping up the pressure. But I'm betting NO military went into the muslim no go areas, did they?

  2. According to the news, the military was called in to protect government buildings leaving police free for crowd control. My question is, are they authorized to use lethal force?
