Monday, May 1, 2017

Le Bourget - A4D (Oops, AD4) Skyraider

This Skyraider is in the WW II section, probably because they didn't know where else to put it. It came too late to be in WW II (it first flew in March 1945) but it did fight in Korea and Vietnam. France purchased about 100 of them in 1959. This one is painted in the colors of a unit that served in the Algerian War. (note the drip pan under the hydraulics)


  1. That's an AD-4, later re-designated A-1D. The A-4D was a jet.

  2. Yep, they piss oil and hydraulics like it's going out of style... If it's NOT leaking, it's empty!!!

  3. Timmeehh - Thanks for the correction.

    NFO - And it means that they aren't empty hulls for display only.

  4. In case you want to buy one!
