Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Close Call with Ebola

By now you may have heard about Patrick Sawyer. He was the man who fell ill with Ebola in Lagos and died there. He was in Liberia for a conference promoting development in west Africa and is said to have been caring for his sick sister before he returned. He was heading back to his family in Minnesota when he collapsed.

Had he not collapsed in Lagos, he was only hours away from the US. If he had become ill on the flight, he might have infected the entire aircraft. The CDC would have you believe that it is not easy to contract Ebola but I do not believe them. In a full blown case, the patient will be bleeding from every orifice. It would be almost impossible for someone not in full protective gear to avoid contact with bodily fluids. All it takes is a minuscule drop of blood in your mucous membrane to catch the disease.

Watch the news closely on this one.


  1. And apparently he was heading for Charlotte...

  2. There's a reason they suit up in biosafety level 4 suits when dealing with ebola.

  3. Yep, I wonder if they 'missed' a spot on the cleanup...
