I'd like to bring your
attention to a couple of items that I find troubling. On March 14, the Senate
passed S.1813, known as MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century).
It authorizes federal highway construction projects. But like most legislation,
they buried stuff in it that has no relation to highways and restricts your
personal freedoms.
In Section 31406 they require
all new cars manufactured after 2015 to have Vehicle Event Data Recorders
installed on them. These "black boxes" will record what the vehicle has been
doing and probably where it has been. There is a provision that the data is
owned by the vehicle owner and only accessible with a court order. But you and
both know that is no guarantee of privacy. Why does the government feel this
data collection is necessary? What do they plan to use the data for? What about
rental cars - will my activities in a rental car be subject to scrutiny by
Hertz? Think about the long term implications of having "Big Brother" as a back
seat driver. Think about the Gov shifting to a mileage tax instead of a gasoline tax.
Another provision is in Section
40304. This allows the IRS to request the Secretary of Transportation to request
the Secretary of State to revoke your passport if there is a question about your
tax payments. Note that this does not require that you be found in arrears but
that the IRS have "suspicion" that your are delinquent. Unlike a court of law,
you have no appeal process to this bureaucratic procedure.
You can go here to see which
Senators voted for this bill and to read the bill itself.
This bill now has to go the
House for approval. I suggest you write to your Congress Critter.
Gonna do that... I think it's for a milage tax, in addition to all the other taxes...