Sunday, May 1, 2011

More TSA Adventures, Continued

Here is a copy of the query I sent to the TSA concerning my recent pat down. I will post the response.

I typically "opt out" of the x-ray machine due to concerns about civil rights and radiation. As usual, I opted out and received the usual pat down. Upon checking the swab for explosives, the machine showed a positive indication. I was then taken to a private cubical for another, full contact pat down. I told the agent that while I was not refusing, I preferred that the pat down be done in a public area. He insisted that it be done in the private cubical because "it's the rules." I asked to see the rules and was refused. I relented and the subsequent test was negative.

I am concerned that we have a regulatory agent that uses "the rules" to justify his actions while a citizen is not allowed to see the applicable regulation.

Can you send me a copy of the regulations that the agent was citing?

Can you explain why the second pat down had to be done out of the view of the public?

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