Friday, February 11, 2011

Vienna Day 5 and 6

Day 5 my wife spent walking the old city while I tried to figure out the Austrian code for the control logic. We returned to the Gasthaus for dinner. When we return to a restaurant during a vacation visit, its because the food is good.

Day 6 was a short work day. I was back to the hotel by 11:00 and we took out to find some old WW II flak towers.

They say the best way to learn a city is to get lost in it - and we did. We took a circle route and a long walk along the canal before finding the Augarten Park where two of them were built.

They were built as anti-aircraft sites. Guns were mounted on the top and the interior was used for ammunition and personnel. The walls can be up to 12 feet thick. In Berlin, they sometimes housed 10,000 people as bomb shelters. The walls are so thick that if Vienna tried to blow them up, they would destroy the neighborhood as well.

Red Dog was impressed.

This is "G" tower. It is a third generation design. It has been reinforced due to deterioration. One side of it is used as a microwave tower. It is one of 6 that were built in Vienna.

If you look closely, you can see shell damage on the top of this one.

By this time we were pretty well walked out so we caught the U-Bahn back to the hotel.

For dinner we returned to "The Cuckoo" for Weiner Schnitzel and Austrian wine.

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