Friday, February 4, 2011

Bound for Austria and Opt Out #5

If you read this blog last week, you will know that I don't hold the engineering of a certain Austrian company in high regard. Well, you must be careful of being too critical because I am now on my to Vienna for a week of meetings to iron out the rough spots in their design. (Hint: don't volunteer to go to the nice places. Just beg not to be thrown in that particular briar patch) The Mrs is happy to be tagging along.

As is typical, they tried to put me in the radiation booth. The agent I got was new and insisted on reciting the full description of what he was going to do during the pat down even though I told I knew the drill better than he did. His little speech took longer than the pat down. (thank you, Salvatore, for that waste of time - I hope you feel important now) They ought to pay me because I have probably done more to train TSA agents than Big Sis Napolitano.

We were flying NOLa - Memphis - Amsterdam - Vienna on Delta/KLM.

As we were trying to depart Memphis, the guy behind us refused to get off the phone. This lovesick middle aged dog was talking to his girlfriend and was suffering an episode of separation anxiety. I thought he was going to get thrown off the plane - and I was ready to help.

In Amsterdam, they patted me down again at the immigration/security point.

Other than those incidents, the trip was normal and I type this from the hotel in Vienna after a meal of beer, wienerschnitzel and saurkraut.

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