Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Movie Critique - Get Low

I like Robert Duvall. I like any movie he has been in. He has been acting since 1956 and you can find him anywhere. But his latest movie, Get Low, is one of his best. He plays a hermit that decides to have a "funeral party" that he can attend while he is still alive. As the plot unrolls, you find that he is a much more complex person than you first thought and he had a deep reason for his self imposed exile. His funeral party is the way he has chosen to seek redemption for his past.

Some reviews claim that this movie is a comedy. It is definitely NOT a comedy but a drama with some humerous moments.

If you're a Bill Murray fan, he does a fine job of portraying the greedy funeral director who hopes to make big bucks off of the party. The key roles are rounded out with Lucas Black who always seems to be cast as the county bumpkin and Sissy Spacek playing an old love interest to Duvall's character.

According the IMDB, the movie cost $7,500,000 to make and has grossed a little under $10 mil - not a box office hit. It has been nominated for a couple of low level awards but not any big ones. In short, this is a movie that has missed box office acclaim but is well worth seeing. Check your cable company to see if it's playing or get the DVD when it comes out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation - I've added it to my Netflix "saved" list.
