Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Korea Bound - Again

I will soon be on my way back to the Land of the Morning Calm again. Hmmmm, lets see, 56 hours of travel (round trip) for less than 16 hours of face to face time. Yep, makes sense to me. And I will remind them when they complain about the charges that "You called us, we didn't call you!"

And as one who will be getting on an airplane soon, let me say that I would prefer that the BVD Bomber spend a little time riding the Water Board and maybe give up some of his friends rather than sitting in country club jail with his ACLU lawyers protecting the rights that he didn't earn and isn't entitled to.

It's no longer a hypothetical question. He has stated that there are hundreds of terrorists training to do what he did and officials from Yemen agree. So it isn't hypothetical anymore. There are people who want to kill you and he knows who some of them are and where they train. I'm on the side that says enhanced interrogation is called for in order to save American lives (maybe mine!)

How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Your snarky comment about the ACLU shows you are clueless about our rights.

    Why do you hate America so much?
