Friday, November 20, 2009

Shooting Skeet

I received this note in response to the video:

"In my Alabama National Guard days I trained as a gunner on M-42 tanks. Target practice was shooting at metal sleeves pulled by remote controlled aircraft. We had a ball. One day there were 30 tanks lined up on the firing line but only one battery (5 tanks) firing at a time. Range control knew those farm boys in my battery were good so didn't give us permission to fire until the other batteries had two firing sessions each. None of them touched the target. When they finally gave our battery fire permission the first tank took out the target sleeve immediately after it came in range. One of the other 4 tank crews being pissed at not getting even one shot took out the plane. It crashed into the woods starting a fire and we had to fight fire the rest of the day. The next day we didn't get to fire at all for punishment for taking out the drone."

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