Friday, November 13, 2009

Finnish War Movies

Tali - Ihantala 1944
Directors: Ake Lindman and Sakari Kirjavainen
Release Date: December 2007

This movie is based on one of the final battles of the Continuation War of Russia against Finland. It was the largest battle ever fought in the Nordic countries and guaranteed Finlands survival as an independent country. It can be found in 11 parts on You Tube, with subtitles. The link is here.

The battle took place concurrently with the Normandy invasion when Russia attacked down the Karelian isthmus to the city of Viipori. The Finns asked for help for Germany and they provided a few troops and supplies. The Russians demanded unconditional surrender from the Finns. They refused - and eventually gained a defensive victory. In the meantime, Germany had demanded that Finland fight on in order to guarantee continued support. (they needed Finland to keep some of the Russian army busy) President Ryti agreed personally, knowing that he would soon resign and be replaced by Mannerheim, who then disavowed the agreement and made a separate agreement with Russia in July, 1944 when the Russians pulled their troops back to fight Germany.

(The tightrope that Ryti and Mannerheim walked with Germany during WW II is a lesson in diplomacy and makes for interesting reading)

This movie is interesting for its use of German vehicles, notably, STUG assault guns. It was nominated for a best picture and three other Jussi Awards.

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