Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Law is Merely a Suggestion

One of the things that drives me crazy about liberals is their penchant for changing the rules when they realize that they may be on the losing side of the law. The latest example of that is Ted Kennedy.

As Ted feels the cold, clammy hand of the reaper on his throat, he wants to change the Massachusetts succession laws that define how his replacement will be selected. The law requires that an election be held with 5 months after the office becomes vacant. This isn't good enough for Ted. He has written a letter asking that the law be changed so that the Governor can name an immediate, although temporary, replacement. You see, his favorite subject, health care, may be in jeopardy if he dies and cannot vote from the grave.

But lets back up a few years. Back in 2004, the law was that the Governor could name a replacement to a vacant Senate seat. But the Governor then was Mit Romney, a Republican. And the Senate seat belonged to John Kerry. The Democratic state legislature therefore changed the law to allow for an election and prevent Mit from appointing a replacement. Little did they know that the law might come back to bite them.

So, if Ted kicks the bucket, there will be no one to fill his seat until an election is held, and his favorite political issue may go to the grave with him. Irony is sweet.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't call the match before the votes and manipulations are in. He just might get his way. Not over yet.
