Thursday, May 14, 2009

More Unintended Consequences

The London Times is carrying a story about compact fluorescent bulbs and mercury poisoning in China. You should know by now (and if you don't, you've had Rectal-Cranium Disorder) that fluorescent bulbs contain mercury. If you break one, you have to take special caution when cleaning it up. You can't toss them in the trash. They have to go in the hazardous waste pile. But now we know that the Chinese that work in the factories that make these things are being poisoned by the mercury they contain. So, as you pat yourself on the back for being soooo environmentally aware, know that a poor Chinaman is suffering for you.

The link to the article is here.

1 comment:

  1. Dammit, I'm a poor Chinaman. I could use some cash. Heh.

    Stupid environmentalists. Not too bright, are they? While they're crusading to change the world for the "better," they're really effing things up royally, aren't they?
