Thursday, April 9, 2009

It Ain't Broke....

There is a saying in the oilfield that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Obama science advisor John Holdren would do well to follow that piece of Cajun knowledge. Instead, he advocates "geoengineering" the planet to correct global warming. He forgets that every time man has sought to "improve" something on the planet, it has wound up to be a dismal failure, if not downright dangerous. Just consider the invasive species that have been introduced to areas with no natural predators and how they have taken over the environment. Can you say Kudzu Vine? Nutria? Zebra clams? Murphy's Law of Unintended Consequences rears its ugly head every time.

But John Holdren wants to inject material into the atmosphere to block the suns rays. I guess he didn't read about the summer of 1816 when Mount Tambora did the same thing with catastrophic results for Europe and the USA. What if he actually succeeds in his crazy scheme and we can't grow any food because he starts a new ice age. Make sure you hold on to your guns because you will need them when the food riots start.

And its not like he has a stellar record for being correct. But I guess being the Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy at Harvard gives him a pass.

I wish we could call a "do over" on his confirmation. He scares the fecal material out of me.

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