Monday, May 5, 2008

Trip to the Red Neck Riviera

Wife and I spent the weekend at Son's vacation house near Gulf Shores, Alabama with Son and family. If you want to get to know your grandchildren, take them on a 4 hour road trip. The 2 oldest Grandsons (10 and 7) elected to ride with Grandma and Grandpa on Friday. We spent the entire trip talking about every subject under the sun. I am constantly amazed at the intelligence and awareness of current events that they exhibit. One of the things we learned was that their science teacher fills their heads with dire predictions of global warming and had them "pledge" to be "green". We spent the entire ride in conversation and laughter and the DVD player didn't come on once. And I got a chance to counter the global warming teacher and discuss the Law of Unintended Consequences vis a vis ethanol, environmentalists and food pricing.

They rode back with us as well and we added the littlest Grandson (3) for good measure. If you tried to cut in line at the construction on I-10 west mile marker 3 near the Louisiana-Mississippi line and saw children in a white SUV making faces at you, I apologize, but you really are an idiot for not merging sooner.

1 comment:

  1. Next trip to Gulf Shore w/ the kids print out some of the travel bingo games and other kids activities at and also Picard Condo Rentals
    The second one has kids postcards and kid's beach stationary too.

    Hope these links work for you
