Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thumb in the Dike, or in their A**?

On top of the levee wall stuffed with newspaper comes word of another leak near the 17th Street Canal. The Corps representative says: "I personally do not at all believe that this little wet spot is anything that is going to cause a breach or a failure of any kind."

He seems to forget that there was a sand eruption near this spot in the weeks before Katrina that indicated an underground flow of water. This may have weakened the wall which was sitting on top on inadequate sheet piles causing the breach.

Remember - The Corps is NOT your friend.

I offer the following song sung to the tune of "The House of the Rising Sun"

There was a house in New Orleans
It was gone with the Rising Sun
And it's now a ruin like many, many more
Stick a fork in me, I'm done

My mother said don’t go there
Don’t live south of I-10
The levees low and a storm’s gonna blow
And drown New Orleans again

It was built below the flood plane
On a slab of cold cement
And every time it rained too hard
We had to pitch a tent

------ organ solo ------

Oh mother tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Trust your lives to the Corps of Engineers
And levees built of mud.

Well, I got one foot on a ladder
The other foot in muck
I'm working down in New Orleans
Tearing out sheetrock

I had a house in New Orleans
It was gone with the Rising Sun
And it's now a ruin like many, many more
Stick a fork in me, I'm done

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