Saturday, March 28, 2020

Constitution under Covid

In case you ever had any doubt about what the Democrats might do under this crisis, Gina Raimondo, the governor of Rhode Island, just told you. She is getting the National Guard to go door to door to see if any occupants recently came in from New York and is requiring them to quarantine.

"What is constitutional in one scenario is different than in another."

This is from someone who was educated at Oxford and Yale. The constitution is not a flexible document but some governors seem to forget that. The Florida governor has just order the state police to stop cars with Louisiana plates and request that they isolate themselves. And I'm not really  sure how this politicians think they can enforce this as they just don't have the numbers to enforce this order.

Friday, March 27, 2020

How It Spreads

I found this link on the Orange Beach Community website. The video tracks the cell phones of about 6,000 kids who were in Fort Lauderdale for spring break. You can see how far the disease can travel in a short time.

When the virus was taking hold in Louisiana I could look at the map and see that the first cases were showing on the I-10, I-20 and I-49 corridors. It was obvious that the virus was spreading along the interstate system.

The Mayor of New Orleans is trying to blame Trump for the virus spreading so fast from Mardi Gras. She now says that the federal government was not strong enough in warning her about the disease. Had the warnings been stronger she would have cancelled Mardi Gras. I call Bull to that and it is a clear sign that Democrats want to use this crisis to unseat our president.

Here is the link to the virus transmission.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

NOLa Gun Ban Possible

Latoya Cantrell, the Democrat Mayor of New Orleans, issued an emergency order that gives her the authority to ban sale of guns and alcohol. Evidently the city learned nothing about the 2nd Amendment after Katrina.

In fact, people who never thought they needed a gun are flocking to stores to pick one up. The thought of all these guns in the hands of inexperienced people makes me more nervous than COVID 19.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wisdom from the Greatest Generation

Dad was a Chief Machinist Mate on a destroyer in the Atlantic in WWII. One thing that stuck in my head was something he told me when I was very young. It was something the Navy told him. It was that you don't need more than 4 sheets of toilet paper per wipe.

Please keep this in mind when stocking up.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Corona News

I can't give a source for this information. I got it from a travel blog about Paris. It gives the mortality rate for the virus and is supposedly based on statistics out of China from Feb 11. It clearly shows that age is a critical factor in the mortality rate of the disease. Take it for what it's worth, here it is.

Under 40 years old - .2%

People in their 40's - .4%

People in their 50's - 1.3%

People in their 60's - 3.6%

People in their 70's - 8%

People in their 80's - 15% (because the older you get the more likely you are to have a chronic disease)

Edit: I found the link to the above statistics. It's in French, but the link is here

Here is another site with loads of stats. Link

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Head Count

It was a very slow month for the swordsman in the Kingdom. He only got to exercise his skill once during the entire month. The year to date total is now at 10.